Are you still running your business from a traditional phone system? Here's why it could be slowly killing your business...
Your hardware and support are obsolete
Newer, cutting edge technology is constantly becoming available, meaning that older phone system hardware quickly becomes obsolete. You'll soon find that parts for legacy phone systems are only available aftermarket, bring huge maintenance and repair costs. Technicians and engineers who specialise in these systems also become harder to find as more and more of them retire.
Your system isn't prepared for change
It's great news if your company is growing, but it does mean you could easily outgrow your current infrastructure and require a system that can handle the heightened call volume, extensions and data being passed across the network. Expanding into new offices can be particularly challenging with new equipment required in every new location.
Unlike a traditional system, a VoIP solution will see all your employees on the same IP network. This means that no additional hardware needs to be installed as you expand into new offices, saving time and money for you business. Additional lines can also be added or removed within minutes to support your changing business needs.
Your security is at risk
System security largely relies on a flexible system: continuous changes being made to meet the latest threats. By this natures, the age of legacy systems cause them to struggle. Patches for legacy systems are typically delayed because they are difficult for developers to create, not to mention low on their priority list. After a period of time, legacy systems can become a danger to your company security.
Your system isn't cost-effective
On the surface it may seem like legacy systems should be the less expensive option. Over time though, costs build up. Support and updates for older systems are usually much more expensive than support for current models - if they're even available at all - because it takes a lot more work to offer continued maintenance and updates. In comparison, a VoIP system can be up and running within hours with no upfront costs, and can even cut your monthly expenditure with a personalised plan that perfectly suits your business.
Your features and functionality are limited
If you customers have upgraded their systems before you, it's almost a guarantee that their customer service is superior. Why? They can route customers to the correct department without games of phone tennis, provide call recordings as receipts, automatically send voicemails to email, keep everyone in sync on the go and so much more.
Don't lose business to your competitors or put your security at risk - find out how Sirus can help you seamlessly upgrade to VoIP at little-to-no extra cost.